To a new level with us

The Armenian Franchise Association brings together professional and successful franchisors, master franchise owners, franchisees, franchise consultants, lawyers, and franchise service organizations

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Армянская ассоциация франчайзинга объединяет вместе профессиональных и успешных франчайзеров, владельцев мастер-франшиз, франчайзи, консультантов по франчайзингу, юристов, организации, обслуживающие франчайзинг
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Benefits of joining AFRA

Assistance in obtaining state subsidies for franchise promotion outside Armenia

Participation in interstate business missions on franchising

Promotion of association members through events and electronic platforms of our international partners with a discount of up to 20%

The AFRA team has extensive international networks, communicating tightly with franchise associations and global business communities. We help our partners and members of the association to bring their franchises to any foreign countries.

International promotion and brokerage of franchises

Placement of franchises of association members in the electronic catalog of the association with a discount of up to 40%

Participation in the prestigious AFRA professional award "Best Franchise of the Year"

Participation for association members in business events, exhibitions, conferences and forums organized by the association with a discount of up to 40%

We help Armenian and foreign franchisees find master franchisees and franchisees throughout Armenia

Domestic promotion and brokerage

Promotion of association members through events and electronic platforms of our partners with a discount of up to 20%

Participation in targeted advertising campaigns aimed exclusively at promoting AFRA members

Ongoing training and development of your team through international Certified Franchising Professional courses

Participation for association members in business events, exhibitions, conferences and forums organized by the association at exclusive prices

Training and counseling

All AFRA members get discounts of up to 50% off participation in our educational events

Your franchisees receive all AFRA partner bonuses

You will be exclusively represented to all key franchise associations in any region of the world in which you wish to develop your brand

You will be able to use the AFRA logo to demonstrate your commitment to our code of ethics and passing your franchisee's background check

Recognition and reputation

Through AFRA member status, your franchise will be recognized on a national and state level

Access to a large number of networking events where you can join other franchisors and members of your industry to discuss the best solutions and challenges you face on the job

Exclusive discounts up to 50% on the  services of our partners: banks, real estate agencies, advertising agencies, IT integrators, telephony services and many others

Community and partner support

Who is eligible to become a member of AFRA?

We take the selection of association members seriously, each member must meet the following criteria:

Your product or service is in demand, competitive and generates enough profit to support a successful franchise network

Your business model and know-how can be transferred to partners who can do business away from you
All information about your franchise is accurate and provided to the franchisee in its entirety

The member adopts the AFRA Code of Ethics in all its aspects

Мы серьезно относимся к выбору членов ассоциации, каждый из них должен соответствовать следующим критериям:
Ваш товар или услуга востребованы, конкурентоспособны и приносят достаточную прибыль, чтобы поддерживать успешную франшизную сеть
Ваша бизнес-модель и ноу-хау могут быть переданы партнерам, которые смогут вести бизнес вдали от вас
Вся информация про вашу франшизу достоверна и предоставляется франчайзи во всей полноте
Член ассоциации принимает этический кодекс AFRA во всех его аспектах
How to join the association?

Apply for membership and our expert will contact you shortly


г. Гюмри ул. Гукасяна 161/1